How to Organise Your Dresser Drawers to Get More Space

written by: Terry Stevens

Published: November 20, 2019
Updated: June 28, 2023

reading time:  minutes


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  • How to Organise Your Dresser Drawers to Get More Space

There are more than 4,000 professional members of the National Association of Professional Organisers. What was once a task saved for spring cleaning has become a project you can do any time of the year.

If you are getting frustrated with your messy and overstuffed dresser, hiring a home cleaning service can help you put everything in its proper order.

But if you want to keep your drawers organised yourself, there are many simple ways you can do to increase your drawer’s storage. You don’t have to “Marie Kondo” your entire home to feel accomplished. Start with one area, like your dresser drawers, where your organising will have a significant effect.

Follow these tips to organise your dresser and give yourself more space.

Clean All of Your Clothes

The first step in organising your dresser is to clean all of your clothes. You need to have everything available, so you can put it all away and ensure you designate the proper amount of space for everything.

Empty Everything

The next step is to empty all of the drawers. Clean everything out of the dresser and put it on your bed or the floor. This will let you start with a clean slate and organise everything into groups.

Sort Through It All

Before you start putting items in the drawers, you need to figure out what you own and organise it. Organise your clothes into similar items. Don’t try to edit the piles at this point; it will only slow you down.

Once you have your general piles, go back into the biggest piles and create subcategories. For instance, organise your shirts into t-shirts, tank tops, sweaters, etc.

Ask the Hard Questions

Once you have everything organised into piles, it’s time to figure out what you actually wear. There are four questions you should ask yourself about each piece of clothing.

  1. Do I love it?
  2. Do I use it?
  3. Do I have more than one?
  4. Can I get another?

Keep the items that you genuinely love—not things that you love at the moment, but the items you feel real emotions for.

Keep the items that you use all of the time. Get rid of things that you don’t use. Find a place to store away items that you rarely use but aren’t ready to get rid of.

Determine if you need to edit down multiple items. If there’s a reason for multiple, then keep them. Otherwise, edit down multiple items so that you keep the best one.

If you’re on the fence about getting rid of an item, consider how easily you can replace it. If the item is readily available, then you shouldn’t have a problem getting rid of your unused clothes.

The Four Categories

As you work through your clothes, divide them into four categories. This will help you get rid of items by labelling them. Have a trash, donate, sell, and keep pile.

As you answer the four questions from the last section, put the clothing items into the four categories. You can throw away items that have seen better days and need to just go away.

Donate items that are in good condition and can help someone. Items that are like new or still have tags on them will let you make a few dollars from your cleaning efforts.

Anything going back in the drawer goes in the keep pile. Don’t let yourself feel guilty about getting rid of items.

Tackle the Drawers

Give each drawer one job. You can do this by clothing types such as tops, bottoms, and undergarments. Or you can group clothing by activity, such as gym, casual, or work.

See Everything

Organise your drawers so that you can see everything immediately upon opening the drawer. This means folding your clothes so that they stand on end and you can see everything at once.

When you stack clothes, the items on the bottom become forgotten. Then you resort to wearing the same two or three items all of the time.

Remove the Bulk

If you fold and keep bulky items in your dresser, then it’s time to find them a new home. Try hanging your jeans in your closet then folding or rolling your sweaters on a shelf in your closet or under your bed.

Embrace Organisers

For smaller items, you’ll want to find an organiser that you like. This could be cubed or honeycomb-shaped drawer organisers. Then store your underwear, socks, and tights in the individual compartments.

This will keep these items from becoming a big jumbled mess in the drawer.

Keep It Seasonal

It will be much easier to find what you want to wear when you don’t have to dig through off-season clothing. During summer, you can keep your winter clothing under the bed, in the closet, basement, or attic.

Then when the temperatures start to cool, you change out your summer clothing for your winter clothing. This will make it easier and faster to find and grab what you need for the day.

Personalise Your Approach

It’s all well and good to organise your dresser, but you need to stick with it. So find a system that works for you. When your method for organisation feels natural, you will be more likely to stick with it.

Your method of organisation needs to make sense for both when you access your clothes and when you put them away.

Start to Organise Your Dresser Drawers

By using these tips, you can organise your dresser drawers. Start by gathering everything up so you know what you’re working with. Then sort it into like piles so you know what exactly you own.

Then organise those piles by deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. Finally, place the items into your drawers in a way that makes sense for you and maximises the space.

Get a jump start on your cleaning your home by booking our services today.


About the author 

Terry Stevens

The owner and founder of Sparkle and Shine. He is a seasoned professional in the home services industry with a decade of experience. He is dedicated to providing top-notch services for residential and commercial properties and has a wealth of knowledge to share on topics such as tips, tricks, industry trends, and the importance of loving your space.