Cleaning Contract Renewals: When to Stick and When to Switch

written by: Hayden Steere

Published: August 21, 2024
Updated: August 30, 2024

reading time:  minutes


In the world of business, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial, not just for the health and safety of employees and customers, but also for the overall image of the company. The cleanliness of your premises often leaves a lasting impression, making the choice of a cleaning service provider a critical decision. As your current cleaning contract nears its end, you may find yourself faced with an important choice: should you renew your existing contract, or is it time to switch to a new provider? This article will guide you through the key considerations to help you make an informed decision.

The Importance of Evaluating Your Current Cleaning Service

Before deciding whether to renew or switch your cleaning contract, it’s essential to take a step back and objectively evaluate your current cleaning service. This evaluation should be based on several factors, including the quality of service, communication, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Quality of Service

The first and foremost factor to consider is the quality of the cleaning service you have been receiving. Has the cleaning consistently met your standards? Are there areas that are frequently overlooked? Quality is not just about the visible cleanliness but also about the thoroughness of the service—are high-touch areas like doorknobs, keyboards, and light switches cleaned regularly? If you’ve been satisfied with the quality, that’s a strong point in favor of renewing the contract.

Communication and Responsiveness

Good communication is the backbone of any successful business relationship. Has your cleaning service provider been responsive to your needs and concerns? Do they address issues promptly, or do you find yourself following up repeatedly? A provider that is difficult to communicate with or unresponsive to feedback may not be worth sticking with, even if their cleaning quality is acceptable.

Reliability and Consistency

The reliability of your cleaning service is another critical factor. Have they been consistent with their service, or are there frequent cancellations or changes in schedule? Consistency is key in maintaining a clean and professional environment, and a service that is unreliable can cause more stress than it alleviates.


Finally, consider whether you’re getting good value for your money. It’s important to weigh the quality of the service against the cost. Are there other providers offering similar or better services at a lower price? If the cost of your current provider has been steadily increasing without a corresponding improvement in service, it might be time to explore other options.

When to Stick with Your Current Provider

There are several scenarios where it makes sense to renew your existing cleaning contract. If the evaluation of your current provider is largely positive, renewing the contract could be the best course of action. Here are a few specific situations where sticking with your current provider might be the right choice:

Long-Term Relationship Benefits

If you have been with your current provider for several years and have built a strong working relationship, this continuity can be beneficial. They are already familiar with your premises, your specific cleaning needs, and any particular preferences you have. This familiarity can lead to a more customized and effective cleaning service.

Negotiating Better Terms

Renewing a contract can also be an opportunity to negotiate better terms. If you’ve been a loyal customer and have a good relationship with your provider, you might be able to secure a discount or additional services at no extra cost. This can enhance the value you receive without the hassle of switching providers.

Satisfactory Performance

If your current provider consistently meets or exceeds your expectations in terms of quality, reliability, and communication, there’s little reason to make a change. The risks and costs associated with switching providers might outweigh the benefits, especially if you’re satisfied with the current level of service.

Avoiding the Hassle of Switching

Switching providers can be a time-consuming and sometimes disruptive process. There’s the initial search for a new provider, the vetting process, and the transition period where the new provider gets up to speed with your needs. If your current provider is doing a good job, sticking with them can save you the hassle and potential disruptions associated with switching.

When to Switch to a New Provider

On the other hand, there are certain circumstances where switching to a new cleaning service provider is the better option. Here are some signs that it might be time to make a change:

Declining Quality of Service

If you’ve noticed a gradual decline in the quality of service, despite raising the issue with your current provider, it might be time to move on. A drop in quality could indicate complacency or issues within the provider’s company that they are unable or unwilling to address.

Poor Communication

Consistent issues with communication, such as unreturned calls, ignored emails, or a lack of responsiveness to feedback, are red flags. Effective communication is essential for ensuring that your cleaning needs are met. If your provider is not responsive, it can lead to ongoing frustration and unaddressed issues.

Frequent Schedule Disruptions

Reliability is crucial in a cleaning service. If your provider frequently cancels or reschedules appointments without sufficient notice, it can cause significant disruption to your operations. A reliable provider should be able to maintain a consistent schedule that you can depend on.

Better Alternatives Available

The cleaning industry is competitive, and there may be other providers who can offer better service at a comparable or lower cost. It’s always a good idea to periodically review the market to see what other options are available. You might find a provider who offers more modern cleaning technologies, eco-friendly products, or other services that your current provider does not.

Cost Increases Without Added Value

If your current provider has increased their rates without a corresponding improvement in service quality, it might be time to look elsewhere. Paying more for the same level of service is not a good value proposition, and other providers might offer more competitive pricing.

Making the Final Decision

Deciding whether to stick with your current cleaning provider or switch to a new one is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration of the factors mentioned above. The key is to weigh the pros and cons based on your specific situation.

Assess Your Priorities

What is most important to you—quality, cost, reliability, or convenience? Depending on your priorities, you may find that either sticking with your current provider or switching makes more sense.

Get Multiple Quotes

If you’re leaning towards switching, it’s wise to get quotes from multiple providers. This will give you a better understanding of the market rates and help you identify which provider offers the best value for your needs.

Test New Providers

If possible, consider a trial period with a new provider before making a long-term commitment. This allows you to assess their service without fully severing ties with your current provider.

Consider a Hybrid Approach

In some cases, you might find that a hybrid approach works best. For example, you could retain your current provider for certain tasks while bringing in a new provider for specialized services.


Cleaning contract renewals are an opportunity to reassess your needs and ensure that you are getting the best possible service for your business. Whether you decide to stick with your current provider or switch to a new one, the most important thing is to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals. By carefully evaluating your options and considering the factors outlined in this article, you can ensure that your workplace remains clean, professional, and welcoming.


About the author 

Hayden Steere

Hello! I’m Hayden Steere, coming to you from Epping, Victoria.
Through my career as a professional landscaper and home renovator I’ve learnt not just to work with tools, but to share that expertise with others. Now retired, I channel this wealth of knowledge into my writing. My goal is to provide informative, practical advice that empowers you to tackle your own projects with confidence.

Beyond writing, I'm a passionate wood turner, often found in my shed transforming simple pieces of wood into intricate works of art. I also cherish the time spent with my family, as these moments are as rewarding as any well-crafted project.

Join me on this journey as I share everything from DIY home renovation tips to creating a beautiful, sustainable garden. Let’s make your living space something truly special!